TREMONT GROUP - International Real Estate

La Serrezuela - Ciudad Vieja, Cartagena, Colombia

Tengo el gusto de invitarlo a participar como inversionista en el projecto La Serrezuela. Este proyecto nace como un proyecto pensado en y para Cartagena, con el objetivo de restaurar un icono y monumento nacional y contribuir al florecimiento de la Ciudad Vieja a través de un espacio en el que convergen entretenimiento, cultura, comercio e historia.

Estamos promocionando la inversión en este gran proyecto travez de derechos fiduciarios administrados por Allianza Fiduciaria.

Del total de derechos disponibles que son 684 unidades de derechos, ya se encuentran vendidos el 51% y ya la obra va a comenzar. Esta obra se terminara en 36 meses. Cada derecho cuesta $330 Millones de pesos y la forma de pago seria así: 10% a la firma la reserva del derecho. 10% a los 30 días de la firma del derecho, 10% a los 60 días de la firma del derecho, y el balance en 30 cuotas mensuales.

Si esta inversión es de su interés le agradezco me lo confirme para enviarle una presentación del proyecto y toda la información para la subscripción del derecho fiduciario.

Portal del Chico Navarra, Bogota, Colombia

Apartment Building located in the luxury neighborhood of Chico Navarra, Bogota Colombia.
5 stories high, 10 Apartments with 140 m2, 3 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms, maids quarters, elevator, gym, social rooms, two car covered garage, and storage deposit located in the center
of Chico Navarra.

Luxury Apartments for Rent in Bogota, Colombia.
This Luxury Apartment is an outstanding accommodation of 3 Bedrooms and two 3.5 Bathrooms located in the exclusive Bogota neighborhood of Chico Navarra with 1500 square feet of living space with a fireplace and fully equiped kitchen and private doorman with 24 hour security.

Orquidea Plaza - Retail Shopping Center, Medellin Colombia

Commercial Retail Shopping Center located in Medellin, Colombia. Address : Cra. 49 No 52-81 of the city of Medellín. Best commercial area of downtown Medellín : Avenida Junín. 79 Retail Stores on three levels, rentable area of 4791 m2 metros

Frapel Industrial & Logistics Park - Bogota, Colombia

Frapel Industrial & Logistics Park located in Bogota, Colombia. Address : AK 62 No. 22 to 75, Industrial sector of Bogota. 7 Bays of 950 m2, 32 parking spaces, a total area of 6.358,58 m2.

Skylake Professional Plaza - North Miami, Florida USA

Professional Plaza with offices, total construction area of 6500 m2, 2 Levels, with Medical Center. Located at 380 Miami Gardens Drive, Miami, FL 33179

BJ Wholesale Shopping Center - Hialeah, Florida USA

BJ Wholesale Shopping Center. Total construction area of 12.500 m2 on 1 floor. Located at 8005 NW 95th St. Hialeah, Florida USA

Casino San Remo - Medellin, Colombia

Casino San Remo is the newest of Medellin's casinos, located in Poblado. It has many traditional casino table games, including blackjack, baccarat, and roulette.

Luxury Apartments of Portal Cabecera in Colombia..

Portal de Cabecera Luxury Apartments - Bucaramanga, Colombia

Located at Calle 48 No. 27 A–66 in Bucaramanga city, Colombia. Luxury Apartment building and Retail space on the first floor with underground parking.

Digamma Office Building - Bogota, Colombia

Retail and office space with a total area of construction of 40,000 square feet, 8 floors of office spaces and 2 floors of underground parking.

Plastic Industrial Facility, Colombia.

Plastic Manufacturing Industrial Facility - Bogota, Colombia

Located at Cra. 63 No 14-85 in Zona Industrial Zone Puente Aranda. 6 Bays of 700 m2 with an Office Building on a total construction area of 6500 m2.

Towers of Coral Springs, Florida.

Towers of Coral Springs Office Building - Coral Springs, Florida

Modern Office building with 6 floors on a total construction area of 4000 m2 located downtown Coral Springs in Florida, USA.

Morgan Stanley Building, Florida.

Morgan Stanley Towers Office Building - Coral Springs, Florida

Modern Office building with 4 floors on a total construction area of 3500 m2 located downtown Coral Springs in Florida, USA.

Torre Europa, Santo Domingo.

Torre Europa Apartments - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Modern Apartment building with 16 Apartment units on 8 floors. Located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.